Thursday, June 07, 2012

Archbishop Duncan spins the state of the ACNA to the Provincial Council

Our gathering here at Ridgecrest, North Carolina, represents a milestone for us. The final piece of the architecture of our Province is being realized and tested. Could there be a North American Province whose greatest gathering was a missions conference rather than a legislative meeting? Is it possible to overcome the General Convention (General Synod/General Council) model that is the heritage of everyone here? Provincial Assembly 2012 will spend three days focused on the mission of this Church, on seeking to energize and strengthen the mission and the ministry of our congregations, our leaders, our people, and our global partners. We will spend one evening as a proportionally representative assembly whose task it is to ratify or reject constitutional and canonical changes to the governance framework under which we operate [emphasis added].

The experiment in moving a Western denomination from an 18th century governance model to a 21st century mission model is being tested right here and right now. I believe we will show in these days that the architecture of this Province can work and will work to change how we steward the energies we have as Christian men and women. To God be the Glory.  Read more
Who is Bob Duncan kidding?! A more accurate description of the ACNA governance model is ecclesiastical fascism!!

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