Thursday, August 02, 2012

Anglican Mission Inaugural Assembly Adopts Constitution

Mission Society Process Completed

The Anglican Mission today formally adopted its Constitution in a celebratory Inaugural Assembly, which marked the last step in a 15-month process toward formation of A Society of Mission and Apostolic Faith. A group of 156 individuals gathered for the event held at the Renaissance Concourse Airport Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, July 31–August 1, which began with a worship service Tuesday evening and continued with the business session on Wednesday.

The gathering drew clergy and laity from across the U.S., Canada and abroad, including founding Archbishops Emmanuel Kolini, Moses Tay and Yong Ping Chung and their wives, the Anglican Mission Conference of Bishops and members of the Board of Directors.

In his sermon, Bishop Chuck Murphy acknowledged that the Anglican Mission has experienced a difficult and challenging season leading up to this important moment in its history. He also cast a compelling vision for the future centered on apostolic mission. Read more

Read also:
Bishop Murphy Issues Apologia for Missionary Society
A PDF file of draft #10b of the proposed constitution may be found here. A PDF file of the "Provisional Constitution--Anglican Mission in the Americas" may be found here. The final version of the constitution has not yet been posted on the AMiA website. The AMiA "our structure" web page shows what kind of orgnizational structure the missionary society will have.

Update: The AMiA website has now posted the mission society's constitution. It may be found here.

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