Monday, August 13, 2012

Multiplying Relationships: How Every Church Can Multiply

Reaching North America for Christ is too big a task for one church to handle. New Church Multiplication is one of the best ways for us to work the North American fields to the edges. And every church can get involved in multiplication of new Churches. How? The sky is the limit. There is no right or wrong way to support church planting. The question is, what are you willing to do? How big of a commitment are you willing to make?

Here are three levels of relationship that excludes no church from involvement. I offer a few suggestions that are not meant to be an exhaustive list under each level. Read more
Lane Corley serves as Church Planting Strategist for the Northshore Baptist Association, in Southeast Louisiana. He also is Lead Planter for Bridge Church, in Madisonville, LA. I first met him when he was Lead Planter for Hope Church in Waldheim, LA and I was looking for a new church start where I could learn more about church planting, evangelism, and small group ministry.  At the time Hope Church was meeting in a fire station for Sunday worship and in private homes for weekly Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. I was involved in the life and ministry of Hope Church for approximately two years before moving to western Kentucky. Lane would leave Hope Church and begin the new work in Madisonville shortly after I left southeastern Louisiana.

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