Friday, August 03, 2012

"Thou shalt not kill": No honour in murder!

Can we please call 'honour killing' murder?

Honour: 1 high respect, glory, credit 2 adherence to what is right 3 nobleness of mind 4 a thing conferred as a distinction 5 privilege 6 exalted position.

The news that Iftikhar and Farzana Ahmed have been found guilty of killing their daughter Shafilea because she had become 'westernised' brings to an end a very lengthy trial in which a collision of cultures was brought into the media spotlight. The jury determined unanimously that these two professing, devout Muslims suffocated their daughter with a plastic bag in the family home because she was committed to her education, comfortable with her white friends, and eschewed the hijab. Read more

Read also:
Leading article: This most dishonourable crime
Parents of UK girl found guilty in so-called honour killing
Shafilea Ahmed case shows victims 'must break ranks'

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