Friday, March 08, 2013

Lee Gatiss: Five Points of Calvinism?

People often speak about the “five points of Calvinism.” Now I want to make it clear right from the start, that I don’t believe in five point Calvinism. I am not a five point Calvinist.

Please don’t jump to any conclusions. I have more to say! Read more


Reformation said...

Correct your title to reflect historical accuracy. It's "Calvinism" not "Calvanism." Too bad about Lee, however. A shallow article and it comes with surprise, but then again, he's an Anglican.

King James, as well as the commissioners to Dordt, minus one, were Dordrechtians.

Anglican DNA is Confessionally morphed to immaturity. They'll never mature beyond their sophmoric limits.

"It is (=the DNA) what it is."


Reformation said...

Unbelievably unscholarly and, given his credentials, surprising. Most, most odd, but it bodes ill for Church Soc. Especially after studying with Carl at WTS. But, alas, the "DNA" dictates the "dwarfism."

Robin G. Jordan said...

Phil, thanks for drawing attention to the typing error. I have corrected the error. Thanks again.