Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Mega Churches Steal Sheep: My Ongoing Debate With Ed Stetzer

Last week Ed Stetzer, whom I love, executed an all out assault on the Megachurch “sheep stealing critique.” This critique argues that the mega church congregations of our day are made up of largely Christians moving from one church (usually smaller) to another. It says that a mega church, with its array of programs, worship production and the charismatic personality as the teacher/preacher, draws people largely due to people coming from other churches that don’t have these things. The “success” of these mega congregations is not due to mission, engaging those outside the faith, with the gospel. It is nothing more than musical chairs among Christians within a large geographical area. As a result, it creates competition among churches for the remaining Christians and a consumer mentality among Christians. This works to undermine Mission not advance it. I admit, I’ve been one of the people saying this. Ed and I have been at this one before. Read more

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