Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Christian Apologist Says Church 'Losing Battle' Against Hate Label for Homosexuality Stance

Dr. William Lane Craig, a renowned Christian apologist, has said in a recent interview following an Apologetics Canada Conference that the church is losing the battle against being branded as hateful for its traditional stance on homosexuality.

"The cultural attitudes towards homosexual activity have undergone a sea change in recent years so that now someone that holds to a biblical view that homosexual behavior is immoral is regarded as bigoted, narrow-minded and really a wicked person – that is a huge change. It is just another challenge. It's extremely significant and unfortunately it seems like the church is on the losing end of this battle," Craig told

The research professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, Calif., who has written over 30 books defending Christian beliefs, said that Hollywood likes to paint "very happy faces" on the pro-gay movement, but it doesn't expose "the very shocking facts about the pathological and emotional damage that this lifestyle involves. Read more

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