Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Small Groups: Coaching Jitters

From Reluctant Member To Confident Shepherd

I’ve coached just about every baseball, soccer, football, and hockey team my kids have been part of. When I was tapped on the shoulder to coach my 12-year-old daughter’s soccer team, I knew very little about soccer. Though I felt unqualified, I committed to coach for the season. And as I coached, I learned more about the game because I had to teach others. coaching my daughter and her friends was great fun. Often, I forgot about my uneasiness associated with being a first-time soccer coach.

It’s the same when we coach people in our small groups to become shepherds–something we’re still learning ourselves. We might be hesitant at first, but when we jump in, we become caught up in the excitement of the process. But in order to be this type of coach, we need to recognize that if somebody hadn’t tapped us on the shoulder to lead, we wouldn’t be leading.

It’s our turn now to tap others on the shoulder to become leaders. The acrostic COACH outlines how we should train others to become shepherds. Read more

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