Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Gay Marriage Being Used as Political Bargaining Chip for Election; Australian PM Accused of Flip-Flop to Gain Votes

Australia's prime minister is continuing to push his support for same-sex marriage as re-election for his political position draws near, leading critics to suggest that he is using same-sex marriage as a bargaining chip for re-election.

During a televised Q&A session on Australia's ABC News channel on Monday, Australia's current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told Christian Pastor Matt Prater of New Hope Church in Brisbane that he changed his mind in support of same-sex marriage last May after "years of reflection in good Christian conscience."

"I just believe in what the Bible says and I'm just curious for you, Kevin, if you call yourself a Christian, why don't you believe the words of Jesus in the Bible?" Prater asked Rudd, who responded by saying that he believes Christians should not become "obsessed" with a particular definition in the Gospel, arguing that the teaching of the New Testament is universal love.

Rudd also countered Prater's question by asking if the pastor personally believes homosexuality to be "abnormal." The pastor responded by saying he believes in the teaching of the Scripture.

Prater then said that he believes Rudd is "chopping and changing [his] beliefs just to get a popular vote." Rudd announced in May that he had changed his stance on same-sex marriage, saying that his daughter convinced him to change his mind on the issue. Keep reading

Also see
How could a Christian PM call the Bible pro-slavery?
Rudd confuses the Bible with Aristotle

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