Friday, September 06, 2013

God Created You to Be a Christian

You were born about 2000 years after Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again from the grave. Before you even entered this world, God had already created you in your mother's womb. And you were created by God for a purpose. You were created to be a Christian.

It's not like God only wants some people to go to heaven. He wants everyone to go there. That is clear in Scripture. He created you because He desires to have an eternal relationship with you. And that relationship can only happen by coming to the Father through faith in Jesus, the Son. When you came into the world, you entered "God's neighborhood." If and when you are "born again" spiritually through faith in Christ, you will enter God's family.

You were not created by God to follow some other religion. You were created to know the truth, and love the truth, and follow the truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Unless you accept Him and follow Him, you cannot fulfill the purpose for which God created you. It's that simple. Keep reading

Also see
How to Reverse Weird Feelings About Christianity
Rejecting Jesus for All the Wrong Reasons
Don't Get Left Pleading at the Door

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