Saturday, October 05, 2013

Michael Youssef: Obama's Foreign Policy Kills Christians

While the temporary, partial government shutdown has riveted our nation, Christians are being martyred all over the world.

The limited space of this column does not permit me to enumerate the long list of martyred Christians and the locations where Christians continue to be killed in cold blood. But needless to say, the violence stretches from Nigeria to Egypt to Iraq to Syria to Pakistan and beyond.

The most tragic act of treachery recently committed by Islamists against innocent Christians took place in a church in Peshawar, Pakistan just a few weeks ago. There, 81 innocent worshipers were slaughtered, and many more were wounded, some permanently.

The Western press, if they reported that tragedy at all, reported it as just another “day at the office,” as if it was unworthy of much news attention. Nothing to see here; move right along.

But those of us who read Arabic and Islamic publications know that Tehrik-e-Taliban Jundullah claimed responsibility for the bombing, stating that the attack of the 130-year-old All Saints Church in Peshawar was revenge for U.S. drone strikes.

Islamists view Christian churches, and Christians in general, as outposts of Western influence. Little do they know, however, that Western governments are just as anti-Christian as they are—although they are more “polite” in their opposition. Keep reading

Also see
Nina Shea: Mideast minorities & a U.S. envoy

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