Friday, October 11, 2013

World Food Day

About World Food Day

World Food Day is observed in more than 150 countries each year on October 16. The Lord has blessed us with an abundance of resources. Learning about where our food comes from, why so many people are hungry, what responsibility we have as Christians, and what practical opportunities there are to help those who are hungry softens our hearts and reminds us to be grateful for every meal.

Every day nearly one billion people face hunger. Drought, storms, violent conflict, spikes in energy prices and other crises can push basic food prices beyond the reach of those living in extreme poverty even when they are able to find work. World Food Day is an opportunity to be grateful and to prayerfully consider what we can do to help alleviate hunger.

Possible World Food Day Activities
  • Share a meal with family or church small group. (Get free materials.)
  • Organize a church-wide dinner.
  • Fast a meal and ask God what he would have you do about those who are hungry.
  • Teach a Sunday school lesson on caring for the poor. (Download a free lesson guide.)
  • Find out what your church is doing for the poor locally and globally, and volunteer to help!
  • Support nonprofits that work to alleviate hunger with financial contributions, time and prayer.
  • Volunteer at a local food center.
Originally posted on the National Association of Evangelicals website

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