Tuesday, May 20, 2014

6 Indicators That You May Be A Church Planter

Are you a church planter? How can you know?

There are many places of service in the church. One category of ministry is pastoring. Then there are sub-categories, like children's pastor, teaching pastor, etc. Not lesser ministries, just more targeted areas of service. One sub-category is church planter. Pastors who plant churches have a very specific calling with accompanying gifts. It is not a better calling, just different.

And it is important to understand that it is different, because nothing spells disaster like an NFL kicker lining up as a center (even I know that, and I don't watch football). You can be a wonderful pastor, and not have the gifts of a church planter. I have asked people for whom who I have great respect and are gifted in ministry, "Do you plan to be a church planter?" And they have told me, "No, that's not how I'm wired." They are making a difference in the Kingdom, but they realize that they don't have what it takes to plant a church.

It takes a wise and sensitive person to realize what God does not want them to do.

So how do you know if you are a church planter? I want to consider six things that are indicators you may be called to plant churches. Keep reading

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