Friday, May 16, 2014

Boko Haram survivor exhorts Christians to 'stand strong' [Video]

223 kidnapped Nigerian girls feared sold into slavery as crisis passes 1 month

A teenage Christian survivor of Boko Haram terrorism in 2011 talked openly Tuesday (May 13) for the first time about her ordeal, expressing hope that her story would encourage Christians to persevere in persecution.

Deborah Peters, 15, said in a panel discussion hosted by Hudson Institute in Washington that Boko Haram murdered her Christian father and brother and bound her between the corpses at her home near Chibok, the same town where the Islamic terror group kidnapped nearly 300 school girls in April.

"I hope if people hear my story, I think they will understand," Peters said, "and they will know more and more of what God said and they will understand what it means to stand strong and have courage." Keep reading

See also
Nigerian Christian Teen Whose Father, Brother Were Killed by Boko Haram Stands With Abducted Schoolgirls

Photo: Christian Post

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