Friday, May 09, 2014

More Thoughts on Multicultural Church: 3 Things to Consider About Multiculturalism

A diversity of cultures within the local church is a gift because it reflects the family of God

Even though we weren't aiming for it, my first church was a multicultural church. It wasn't necessarily intentional—we just reached our poor neighborhood and that's who lived there.

My church today would not fit the definition of multicultural. It's not because we don't want to be, but it is impacted by the location where we meet, which is 93% Anglo.

However, having just recently opened a campus in a more diverse area, we are excited about the opportunity to seek to become a more multicultural church.

But our excitement should not blind us to the issues that are involved in developing a multicultural church. While the results are worthwhile, it takes work. Previously, I shared a few thoughts on multicultural church after attending a related conference. Here are three more thoughts to consider in moving toward having your church better represent the diversity in your neighborhood. Keep reading

See also
2 Thoughts on Multicultural Ministry

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