Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The Atonement and the Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 by Philip Nation

In Isaiah 53, the Suffering Servant sheds light on what Christ has done for us and why

The book of Isaiah is poetic and soaring in much of its language. But, at times, it is difficult to read. Not because it contains material that is too difficult to understand but because it contains truth that is difficult to face. The 53rd chapter contains what might be one of the more familiar passages to many believers as it has often been taught upon during the Easter season. It is good that we cover such territory in the Spring of the year but would be better for us to apply such a rousing passage in every day of the year. It is a passage where we can once again preach the gospel to ourselves in order to see the atonement take shape through the Suffering Servant, Jesus the Messiah. Keep reading

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