Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Best Way to Use Music in Church

The key to biblical worship: Let everyone sing!

n my last Sunday at Saint Barnabas, where I led music for almost 27 years, the new music director asked me to share my philosophy of church music with some key instrumentalists. It was a good occasion to rehearse what to me is the role of music in biblical worship. Keep reading
I would add a fourth implication to David Neff's list of three implications. Be intentional in introducing new songs to the congregation whether they are 
hymns, psalms. canticles, worship songs, or service music settings. This entails being systematic in how we teach new songs to them. It also entails holding congregational practices before or after the service or on a weeknight; giving people ample time to learn and master a new song; and repeating the new song with sufficient frequency that the members of the congregation incorporate it into their repertoire.

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