Saturday, August 01, 2015

Three Questions for New Fall Ministries

Are you ready for this fall? I’ve come to believe that church life exists in cycles. Annually, church attendance often wanes in the winter months and summer months. Church attendance often blossoms in the spring and fall. In the fall, the new school year begins. Students are beginning a new grade, and life for families is adjusting once again to routines and normalcy following the summer vacation season.

The fall is a great time to begin something new at your church. Maybe you’ve been burdened by ministry need in your area. Maybe you’ve noticed the need for more spiritual depth in your small group ministry. Maybe you sense the need to try something new in one of your church’s program windows (Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday night, other).

Fall is a great time to install a new ministry, program, vision, or plan. So, I ask again, are you ready? We are nearing the end of July. That gives you just over a month of planning, conversations, and preparation to get it done. Here are some questions to consider if you’re starting something new this fall? Keep reading

Also see
5 Reminders for Avoiding Summer Slumps
Since the seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere. I have included an article for those facing the prospect of the summer doldrums.

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