Tuesday, October 04, 2016

5 Things Pastors Dread Hearing After Preaching a Sermon

Preaching is simultaneously exhilarating and exhausting. Though I am not sure how it could be proven, some have articulated that preaching one sermon is as emotionally and psychologically taxing as an eight-hour workday. If you are like me, you know you should rest in the promise that His Word does not return void, yet you often wish you had said things differently. Doubt and insecurity can creep in. There is also the spiritual reality that you are susceptible to attacks from the Enemy. Jonah was depressed and wanted to die after the great revival the Lord used him to spark. The apostle Paul said he had to beat his body into submission after he preached.

With that as a backdrop, here are five messages that pastors dread hearing after preaching. Pastors, I am going to hypothetically respond in ways you have been tempted to respond, but have loved people too much to do so. Though my list varies a bit from his, I must give credit to my boss, Thom Rainer, for initially posting a blog on this subject. Read More

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