Monday, October 30, 2017

5 Ways Revitalization is Hindered in Your Church

Each passing week, more churches in North America are waking up to a new world they were previously unaware of, and realizing the need for revitalization—the need to “breathe new life” into their church. Those who don’t wake up will eventually die, as we are seeing happen in increasing numbers.

The problem is, revitalization isn’t easy. Some churches just want to grow so they can return to a previous time they have romanticized as their “golden age.” Some churches feel obligated to sit tight until the most resistant members finally agree to a new path. Still other churches allow long-time members to sabotage the route to new life. For the most part, these things happen, and are allowed to happen, because pastors do truly love their people and would prefer to see everyone move forward together. But refusing to make hard decisions and lead with clarity and strength can prevent the very revitalization your church needs from happening. What follows are five ways to prevent revitalization from happening in your church. Read More

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