Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday's Catch: 'Four Out of Five Victims Don’t Report Sexual Assault. Can Christian Colleges Do Better?' And More

Four Out of Five Victims Don’t Report Sexual Assault. Can Christian Colleges Do Better?
Title IX coordinators look for ways to combat silence and shame.

Stand By Me. But Don’t Be a Bystander.
Pay attention to the sin of passivity, especially in church leaders dealing with abused women.

What Your Church Needs to Know About Monkeypox Prevention
A Conversation with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Rev. Dr. Que English 
In the case of men who have sex with men, there is a growing body of evidence that monkeypox is sexually transmitted. Sexual transmission, however, is NOT the only way that someone can contract monkeypox. Other ways that monkeypox is spread are identified in the article.
One of the doctrines in the area of Christology that is difficult for some Christians to fully grasp is the permanent humanity of Christ. The impression often seems to be that the Son of God came down from heaven in incarnate form, spent three decades or so as a human, and then returned to heaven to revert back to his preincarnate state. But this is Christological error, if not outright heresy.

Yes, the Devil is Real
Jared C. Wilson shares a few reasons why he believes that there is an actual devil.

7 Unseen Traits of Great Leaders
There are unseen traits of great leaders which are often unknown until tested. These unseen traits often help determine the success of a leader.

12 Evidences That You Might Have Stopped Growing as a Leader
Leaders who stop growing lose their edge as a leader. They become stale, even if others may not readily recognize it. See if your life reflects any of these indications that you’ve possibly stopped growing as a leader....

What Does It Mean to Pray “Your Kingdom Come”?
What is meant by God’s kingdom and by God’s will in the Lord's prayer? Let’s start with the word kingdom.

What’s Changed—and What Hasn’t—over 10 Years of College Ministry
Ten years ago, your average college student visited social media. Today, most of them live there.

The Benefits of Online Small Groups
While some people may feel forced into their groups meeting online, there are some definite benefits of online small groups. Online small groups aren’t new. After all, I started my first online group on CompuServe in 1994. They aren’t new, but online small groups are next.

8 Icebreakers for Online Groups
Just like in-person groups, online group meetings can sometimes get off to an awkward start. Group members may have difficulties getting connected, or you may have to wait a few minutes while everyone logs on. So how can you, as a leader, be proactive and set the tone for an engaging meeting? Here are four icebreaker questions and four icebreaker games to get everyone settled in for a great online gathering.

Dishes and Divorces: Why Little Things Can Lead to a Break Up
How do couples come to a place where something as small as a plate on the counter has them contemplating divorce? I believe it comes down to one basic reality: the little things either communicate love, or they don’t.

Share Jesus with Your Friends
We can learn three evangelism principles from the friends of the man who made a hole in a roof and lowered him through the hole so that he could ask Jesus to heal him

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