Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: "George Barna: The US needs a 'spiritual awakening' to achieve 'unity'" And More

George Barna: The US needs a 'spiritual awakening' to achieve 'unity'
A prominent Christian researcher is insisting that with the 2024 presidential election less than a year away, the United States needs a “spiritual awakening” to resolve the pervasive division and polarization that has come to define American politics.

What Do I Do When My Church Stops Growing?
When growth stops, pastors sentence themselves. It’s a vulnerable moment, to be sure. Let’s face it head-on. What should church leaders do when the church stops growing?

The Culture of Bullying in the Body of Christ
Bullying is not solely the realm of testosterone-overloaded teenage males. Alas, today we live in what might describe as a nationwide bullying culture, both in real life, online, and amplified by cable television news. Hardly a day passes without our hearing of another fatal bullying incident, while it has become the norm with politicians to shout abusive odds at one another, modeling the bullying culture for our “edification.”

Leaders Go Last: 5 Life-Changing Qualities That Servant Leaders Possess
Jason Robinson identifies what he believes are 5 life-changing qualities that servant leaders should strive to model when leading others.

How to Face Apparent Contradictions in the Gospels
Are we able to trust the Gospels even if there are unresolved challenges? Here are a few principles to consider, followed by a specific (and recent) example.

Why Do Christians Use Words like “Trinity” That Are Not in the Bible?
Wyatt Graham gives three reasons to explain why we can and should use non-biblical words to explain biblical doctrines.

Small Church Youth Ministry: Ideas to Help Your Teen Program Thrive
Small church youth ministry is a hot topic. One reason is the efforts of ministry veteran Stephanie Caro. For three decades, she’s helped youth workers through her books and her work with Ministry Architects. In this YS Idea Lab, Stephanie shares some of her best ideas for small church youth ministry....

Reaching the “Converted”
Some of our most obvious evangelistic opportunities are with the people who are members of our churches. You already have a relationship with them. You already have the advantage of consistently telling them the gospel. You also have some God-ordained opportunities to personally point them to Christ.

Southern Baptist leaders expel two churches for allegedly mismanaging abuse
The committee also voted out a church in Kentucky for having a woman pastor.

Churches that support women in ministry should leave the SBC preemptively
Once again, the SBC Executive Committee has decided that a church who called a woman as their senior pastor should be disfellowshipped. This time, the church is Immanuel Baptist Church in Paducah, Ky., where Katie McKown was called to become senior minister Feb. 26, 2023.

FlashPoint ‘prophets’ declare God supports Trump and Christian nationalism
God is on Donald Trump’s side in this year’s election, said the pro-Trump “prophets” at a recent FlashPoint Live event.

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