Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Christian nationalism is growing among US Hispanics. Scholars explain why.' And More

Christian nationalism is growing among US Hispanics. Scholars explain why.
At a gathering at Princeton, scholars suggested Hispanic Protestants are connected to transnational apostolic networks that seek to advance Christian power in each society.

Bonhoeffer family and scholars warn against Metaxas and Christian nationalists
Descendants of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a number of Bonhoeffer scholars have signed letters denouncing Eric Metaxas and other Christian nationalists they say are twisting the German theologian’s writing to serve their cause.

Jesus, politics and the purple church
Once upon a time, if anyone used the phrase “purple church,” they might well have been referring to the sanctuary during Advent and Lent; the church’s two annual liturgical waiting rooms, sacred seasons when altars and pastors are draped and dressed in purple paraments and stoles. Nowadays, of course, when folk use the phrase “purple church,” it is far more likely they are speaking not liturgically but politically....

Christian Denominations that Don't Vote
There are some eligible people who do not vote, and some of those do so because that’s the position that their church takes.

Calling out Donald Trump, perpetrator of evil
If you say things that are not true and innocent people are hurt as a result, and you know they’re not true and you keep telling the lies, and people continue to be hurt, you’re perpetrating evil. And you should be called out for it.
Also See: I tried to analyze a Donald Trump speech and If you plan to vote for Donald Trump
79% of Republicans favor rounding up illegal immigrants into camps before deportation
Republicans strongly favor the deportation of undocumented immigrants even if it means first rounding them up and placing them in camps guarded by the U.S. military, according to the 2024 American Values Survey.

Project 2025’s plan for mass deportations would make food prices soar
The percentage of Americans who want immigration levels to decrease has risen sharply in the past year despite the nation’s urgent need for foreign-born workers in agricultural and other labor industries.

Trump supporters still favor political violence and election denial, survey says
Republicans with favorable views of Donald Trump continue to support political violence and election denial, according to Public Religion Research Institute’s 2024 PRRI American Values Survey.

At Pray Vote Stand Summit, religious right leaders reckon with GOP pivot on abortion 
At the religious right's annual gathering, faith leaders scolded the Republican National Committee for dropping its longstanding abortion plank, but also turned to rallying conservative Christians to other culture war causes.

This is how to defeat Trump’s fascist movement
"Trump is making more wild claims every day that he, alone, knows what is true, best and fair for the United States. Trump’s greatest fear is that we will not be bullied, frightened or fooled but will stand up to him."

Image Credit: Video Screengrab, RNS

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