Wednesday, June 11, 2014

4 Reasons Great Leaders Struggle to Stay

Over the last several years I have had numerous conversations with great leaders who are struggling to stay in their current ministry assignment. Though not perfect, these leaders have faithfully led, have remained above reproach, and have enjoyed significant impact in their respective ministries. They are well respected, serve in churches that are generous to the staff, lead healthy churches, and are in a good rhythm in their ministries. Thus, many would be surprised to know that these leaders have wrestled with staying, that they have considered leaving.

I have always kept each conversation confidential. Because the conversations have been numerous and over a lengthy period of time, I feel I can share some observations without jeopardizing the confidentiality of those who have confided in me. My goal is not really to offer solutions in this post but to say, “You are not alone,” to those who are struggling to stay. Here are four common reasons great leaders are struggling to stay. Keep reading

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