Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Effectively Using Visual Arts in Worship

Have you gazed at the sky lately? Have you noticed the amazing colors of an evening sunset? Have you been mesmerized by a gigantic rainbow with its backdrop of smoldering gray rain clouds? Our God is a magnificent designer! It’s as though every day provides Him a brand new canvas and He paints for us a new and original design from His endless palate of purples, reds, and blues.


If one has ever questioned the need of visual art as a part of worship, all he or she needs to do is consider the priority our Creator placed on creativity and beauty when He made this universe and more specifically our world. His wonderful creation is awe-inspiring and breathe-taking! Keep reading
I have observed that among the churches that make the least effective use of visual arts in worship are those that have a tradition of using visual arts in worship. Their use of visual arts in worship has become bound by convention and fossilized. 

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