Monday, July 15, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Surrendering the Ego for God' And More

Surrendering the Ego for God
In a world that says “mine” over “ours,” the church must be different by gathering different mindsets to establish a new heart that beats for the needs of others rather than the needs of self. The way for this to happen is to let go of the ego for God.

Starting a Dinner Church in the Midst of Chaos with David Kidd
Is there a “right” time to plant a Dinner Church? Probably not, according to David Kidd, a Dinner Church leader in Ohio. David’s congregation was in the midst of major transitions when he and his team started a new table-centered ministry. While it was a chaotic time, they now have a thriving community alongside their established congregation, and an initiative to start more across the state.

Church’s flexible Sunday service offers time-poor families a chance to worship
A Mount Waverley church is offering opportunities for worship to people who are unable to make it to Sunday morning services this winter, through its new initiative. Winter Warmers aims to connect with children and families who might have other commitments, including sport, on Sunday mornings.
One of the realities of the twenty-first century is the need for churches to be more flexible in scheduling services. In far too many churches the day and the time they schedule services is a hangover from an earlier century. For example, many churches schedule their principal service for 11:00 AM on Sunday morning, a practice that has its origins in the nineteenth century and earlier when many communities were farming communities and farmers need time to do their chores before attending church.
UMC benefits org drops 34 church leaders who paid into program after disaffiliation
A United Methodist Church organization dedicated to providing financial support for the families of deceased pastors has dropped over 30 members who have paid into the program because their churches left the denomination.

God did not save Donald Trump
Did God save the former president, but not those who died instead?

Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance
If Trump is elected, Vance would be the second Catholic vice president in US history — after Joe Biden.
Related article: J.D. Vance: What to know about Trump’s pick for vice president
Pastors slam Todd Starnes for urging Christians to leave churches if they didn’t preach on Trump attack
Conservative media personality Todd Starnes has come under fire from a number of pastors after he urged Christians to leave their church if their pastor did not address the assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump from their pulpits on Sunday.

Prioritize Like a Pro: The One Question Every Leader Should Ask
Leadership isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would do it. One complication of leadership is the sheer amount of tasks compared to the time available to complete them. No leader can get to everything, especially in a growing or rebuilding season. So, how do you prioritize your time and energy?

7 Keys to Productivity for Pastors
Here are 7 keys to productivity for any pastor. These run the gamut from a simple new work habit to a church management software tool.

You Are UP to the Task Whether You Feel Like It or Not
Deep in the heart of every leader I’ve ever met lurks a daunting question that casts a shadow over every major challenge we ever face: Am I up to this?

When Christians Just Don’t Read the Bible
A recent study sponsored by LifeWay Research and highlighted by Facts & Trends shares some unfortunate but unsurprising results: “A third of Americans who attend a Protestant church regularly (32%) say they read the Bible personally every day. Around a quarter (27%) say they read it a few times a week.” They divide the results demographically and provide lots more information, but the facts are clear enough: plenty of good, Christian, Bible-believing folk are not spending time in the Word every day or even every week.

Dig Deep, Disciple Well: A Guide for Women Bible Teachers
Imagine a woman, gifted in teaching, yearning to share God’s word, but stifled by two extremes. The conversation around women and teaching in the church feels like a rocket aiming for the moon but stuck on the launchpad. On one hand, endless debates trap women’s gifts in a theological tug-of-war. On the other, the “rockstar teacher” model prioritizes platforms and personalities with cute outfits and instant followers over the biblical truths and message they came to share. Both approaches miss the mark.

Leading Your Church to Be Better Bible Readers
Pastors are called to disciple God’s people in the spiritual discipline of becoming daily Bible readers who know and love God’s Word.

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