Saturday, March 19, 2005

Episcopals agree on hiatus after turmoil

[Albany Democrat-Herald] March 18, 2005--The Rev. Susan Russell, president of Integrity, a 30-year-old advocacy group for gay Episcopalians, said she was pleased the bishops called a halt to the naming of any new bishops, not just gay ones. "They're saying that unity is important but so is justice, so the whole church will bear the burden,'' she said.

But the Rev. David Anderson, president of the American Anglican Council, which stands for orthodoxy in the church, said he was outraged that the moratorium would apply to "a bishop-elect who is lawfully married to a person of the opposite sex.'' Anderson also said the moratorium on same-sex blessings was a "phony-baloney'' move that would not stop priests from performing informal rites.

Related article:
"CORRECTED: Conservative U.S. Anglicans Attack Bishops' Move" - Reuters

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