Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Fascinating Communication Regarding the United Methodist 2008 General Conference

[Stand Firm] 29 Dec 2007--The United Methodist Church is changing! The liberal dominated Western Jurisdiction has lost about half its membership, even though it includes some of America's fastest growing states, like California and Arizona. The Northeast and North Central regions of our church have also lost much of their membership. Many of us believe that this is because of liberal theology. These losses are causing these regions to have fewer delegates at the 2008 General Conference. The whole Western Jurisdiction now has only 4 percent of the delegate total. The Northeast Jurisdiction now has only 13 percent, and the North Central Jurisdiction has only 14 percent.

Meanwhile the Southeastern Jurisdiction, which is relatively more orthodox theologically, is holding even. Far more dramatic is the growth of overseas United Methodism, which now includes 3 million United Methodists. Almost 30 percent of the delegates to the 2008 General Conference will come from outside the U.S., up from 20 percent in 2004. These people are overwhelmingly conservative or orthodox theologically.

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