Friday, July 08, 2011

Archbishop's arrest warrant quashed

The Court of Appeal in Dar es Salaam has quashed an arrest warrant for the Primate of the Anglican Church of Tanzania (ACT), Archbishop Valentino Mokiwa.

The Citizen newspaper of Dar es Salaam reported on 3 July that Chief Justice Mohamed Othman Chande had set aside a warrant issued by Arusha District Justice Kakusulo Sambo. The case has been removed to the High Court in Dar es Salaam, The Church of England Newspaper has learned, and the warrant suspended pending a full review of the case.

On 13 June the High Court in Arusha issued a bench warrant for Dr Mokiwa for contempt of court, after prosecutors claimed the Archbishop ignored a court order blocking the consecration of the Bishop of Mount Kilimanjaro. The election of Stanley Hotay has been a source of controversy within the ACT, and has served as a proxy war for the wider divisions within the Anglican Communion combined with a heady mix of tribal and personal jealousies.

To read more, click here.

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