Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can Online Small Groups Work?

Could they even be a good option for you?

Churches and ministries all over the world are asking an important question: "can online small groups actually work?" You may have researched this question yourself. If so, you may have heard some psychologists and other experts say that today's technologies are hampering the ability of young people to create real and lasting relationships. I've heard people saying those things, too, and therefore I know it's easy to recoil from using internet technology in small-group ministry. After all, developing healthy, meaningful, and lasting relationships with Christ-followers is a vital part of small groups.

However, I think we're asking the wrong question. Rather than asking if online small groups work, be need to look at the broader issue: "Is online community real?" My answer to this question is a resounding yes! I believe this because of the countless people who are experiencing very real community through the latest technologies—myself included.

To read more, click here.

I posted this comment in response to the article.

"Alan Danielson dodges a number of the drawbacks and limitations of online small groups by focusing his article on the effectiveness of online small groups in building community. But is community the sole purpose of a small group? Can an online small group be missional? I am not talking about supporting individual members in mission but carrying out mission as a small group. Can the members of an online small group as a team go and wash car windows or pass out bottled water at a local festival or mow the lawns of elderly people. To fully "do life together" the members of a small group need to live in the same community or within reasonable distance of each other and to meet face to face. Danielson also does a disservice to the cause of online small groups by criticizing those who have reservations about them at the very beginning of his article. He might have done better to acknowledge that online small groups do indeed have drawbacks and limitations...." I was going to add "...then go on from there" but my comment was too long and I had to omit the last part.


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