Monday, July 11, 2011

Church of England bishops meet ministers over 'chilling' effect of equality laws

Church of England bishops have urged the Coalition to protect Christians from the “chilling” effect of equality laws, in a series of meetings with ministers

Some employers see quiet displays of religious belief by their staff as being offensive "almost by definition”, the Church’s national assembly, the General Synod, has been warned.

Senior Anglicans have raised their concerns in meetings with government ministers and expect practical measures to safeguard Christian rights in response.

A series of cases in recent months have seen Christians face disciplinary action and even the law courts for expressing their beliefs, or displaying symbols such as the cross, at work.

Senior bishops including the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, have raised their concerns over the pursuit of “equality” at the expense of religious freedom with government ministers, including David Cameron.

Dr Philip Giddings, chairman of the Church of England’s public affairs council, warned that while the law did not “prevent” Christians from expressing their views at work, employers too often failed respect religious rights.

To read more, click here.

Related article: Church of England calls for legal right to wear a cross

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