Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Depression Claims Many Pastors, Ministry Leaders

Pastors, the spiritual shepherds of the faithful, are not supposed to burn out. Ministry leaders, the CEOs in charge of efficient organizations, are not allowed to feel low. Christians, especially Christian leaders, must never be depressed.

Right? Not quite.

There are more of such Christian leaders than you think who some time or the other wanted to run away from the Lord’s work, from something they once gave their whole heart to.

And this may happen when all seems well with the church, when the ministry is flourishing.

Depression is occupational hazard for a pastor too. According to an estimate, as much as 80 percent of pastors feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastors.

When a New York Times article probed the issue last year, it pointed out that pastors were expected to be available to help people 24/7. And with cellphones and social media, members of the clergy are more stress-proned than ever.

To read more, click here.

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