Monday, July 11, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Bishop Kevin Vann preaches at Anglican Use Conference

Welcome again, all of you, to Fort Worth. If I might digress briefly, I would like to reflect a bit on our Cathedral. It is a House of God, like some of our older Churches in the center of our city, which still shines forth with art in their windows, statues, communion rails and even votive candles…which have never been taken out or moved or subject to any kind of iconoclasm. A place where the vocabulary of those who come to worship, still includes “Hail Mary Full of Grace” or “Bless me Father for I have sinned” or even entrance songs that are the entrance antiphons of the Sacramentary which are sung. The words of the Angelus are heard daily as well as during the Mass and later on the words of Sanctus, Sanctus, which at times still ring forth, as part of the full, conscious participation in the Liturgy envisioned by Sacrosanctum Concilium of the Second Vatican Council. And, not only here, but also in parishes throughout the Diocese. In fact, Diocesan celebrations at St. Patrick’s will even echo Vietnamese, Latin, Spanish and other languages at times.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral has been a place of worship and refuge, while giving glory to God since 1888. On bright warm Texas afternoons like today, the crucifix stained glass window, along with the Saints, shine forth so bright in fact that they seem to come alive. The Saints are many including: Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Rita, St. Anthony, and yes, even St. Oliver Plunkett. God’s providence stands out to me in that regard, because at least a number of our gatherings of prayer with some of our brothers here have been in the sight of that window.

To read more, click here.

Related video: Fr John Hunwicke at the Anglican Use Conference

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