Friday, July 01, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Ecumenism and the Ordinariates

There seems to be something of a duality between the Anglicanorum Coetibus approach by the Catholic Church authorities and the continuation of the older form of ecumenical dialogue – judging by Mgr Mark Langham: The difficult dialogue between Catholics and Anglicans.

As Monsignor Langham has a position in the Roman Curia, he seems to represent a position that is just as official as the paradigm represented by the present Ordinariate in England and future Ordinariates in other English-speaking countries.

This English prelate working in Rome is very insistent that the “Ordinariates are not a task of this office, we take care of ecumenism. And, as the Vatican said, the road of ecumenism is different from that of conversion”. At the same time, ecumenism has changed in his view. Interestingly, the Apostolic Constitution is described as “a form of colonization, of imperialism”.

To read more, click here.

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