Thursday, July 21, 2011

To rent or not to rent?

Should you rent church buildings out for other churches to use?

We’re regularly approached and have so far said, ‘No’. The request has usually, but not always, come from a non-Anglican ethnic church without property wanting access to a church building for a comparitively small rent.

Why say no? I’ve just heard too many horror stories of churches that end up in terrible relationship with the ‘tenant congregation’. Unpaid rents. Using the building outside the agreed hours. Failure to clean. Conflict with the existing congregations. A too late recognition of a radically different philosophy of ministry.

Yet I’ve felt a twinge of guilt every time I’ve said ‘No’. These are Christian brothers wanting to find a place to meet. They haven’t inherited the same property legacy we have and there aren’t many places around here to meet. Surely we can make space for them? Doesn’t grace demand that we should? Seeing property unused is like burying a treasure in a field isn’t it?

What principles should govern our decision making in this area? The property of the Parish is a resource it holds for the benefit of seeing the gospel go forward.

To read more, click here.

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