Thursday, July 07, 2011

Women to Go Topless in Name of Gender Equality

“FREE YOUR BREASTS! FREE YOUR MIND!” reads the GoTopless website, an organization that claims women have the same constitutional right that men have to go bare-chested in public.

Women across the country may have a perfect excuse to do just that on August 21. GoTopless has scheduled marches in various cities throughout the U.S. in order to honor National Women’s Equality Day. Women in the marches are expected to go topless, while men are asked to wear bikini tops, to symbolize the need for gender equality. Several cities where marches will take place include: Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

“The ultimate goal is for the laws to change on the national level so that women have the same rights as men,” said Lara Terstenjak to the Daily Caller, spokesperson for GoTopless. “As long as men are allowed to be topless in public, women should have the same constitutional right or men should have to cover up in public.”

But not everyone is thrilled about the idea of women ditching their tops. The Christian community is specifically opposed to it.

“This isn't a matter of legality, it's a matter of decency. It's not a matter as to whether someone can do this. It's a matter of whether they should do it,” said Johnnie Moore, campus pastor at Liberty University to The Christian Post on Wednesday.

Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, expresses harsher criticism of the movement.

To read more, click here.

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