Events Held at St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Tallahassee, Fla.
During the week of January 30, Anglican Church in North America leaders from across the continent descended on Tallahassee, Fla., for meetings involving the Executive Committee and the Archbishop’s Cabinet. The Anglican Relief and Development Fund also held board meetings on site. St. Peter’s Anglican Church served as the gracious host parish for the events.
The Executive Committee is comprised of clergy and laity and serves as the Board of Directors for the Anglican Church in its capacity as a non-profit corporation. It provides temporal oversight for the Church and ongoing governance between Provincial Council meetings. The Archbishop’s Cabinet includes bishops, priests and laypeople who serve as advisers on issues within the province and the wider Anglican Communion.
Among the highlights from the meetings, Bishop Bill Thompson of the Diocese of Western Anglicans reported on the great progress being made on the Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force. The goal is to have the liturgies that are being developed ready for use in our worship together at Assembly 2012 in Ridgecrest, N.C. Keep reading
Related videos of Archbishop Duncan's address to the gathering and an interview with Archbishop Duncan and Bishop Lebhar
Related audio of the Rev. Michael Petty's talk about the ACNA
Note that this article and the accompanying videos was not posted until February 7, 2012, almost a week after the gathering had concluded. To my knowledge there was no on-the-spot coverage of the gathering with daily reports on the Internet--only a carefully worded press release to a local newspaper--the Tallahassee Democrat. Compare the reporting on this gathering with the reporting on the Episcopal Church's Executive Council and the Church of England's General Synod.
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