Saturday, September 01, 2012

Is God Your Genie in a Bottle?

A well-known television preacher was earnest in this recent plea to his viewers: "Give your seed an assignment." He compared the Father sending Jesus to earth with an that of viewers sending money to his television ministry. The announcer then came on and encouraged viewers to "target your seed toward your greatest need." The announcer said that in response to their financial gift, the minister was believing God to give the donor "a life-changing creative idea, supernatural favor, and a debt canceling miracle." What a deal!

The preacher then came back on and said, "God gave you the power to get wealth. Now I dare you....I double-dog dare you to lay hold on your belly right now and with a heart full of faith shout as loud as you can, 'I have been given the power to get wealth.'" Sounds like this guy thinks he has God in a bottle.

Hucksters like this one are a real piece of work. They promise you something which they cannot deliver. They want your money, and they in essence teach you that God is your personal genie in a bottle. All you have to do is send them some money....a "seed gift" as they say....and believe God for your miracle. Sending them your "seed offering" is like rubbing the bottle so God can come out and grant you any wish you desire.

A word to the wise....God does not sell His services....and He is not trapped in a bottle. God owns everything and doesn't need your money. He wants your heart. Jesus made it clear, "You cannot serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24) Television salesmen who teach that you can "buy" your miracle from God are delusional and they are promoting a lie. It doesn't work that way.

You cannot "buy your dream." In fact, God may have a different dream for you than you have for yourself. Trust him and don't allow yourself to get worked up into a lather by some smooth-talking television con artist. Read more

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