Friday, September 14, 2012

'Justification Now : The Reformation Doctrine & True Anglicanism.' Church Society Conference (2012) Report.

Church Society met on Saturday 26th May, Oak Hill College, for its annual conference and AGM. James Crabtree, Chairman of Church Society Council, opened the conference with a brief exhortation from 2 Corinthians ch 6. After mentioning the Apostle Paul’s extraordinary trials, James reminded us that we too need God’s enabling power and gifts, through his Holy Spirit, if we are to stand firm in today’s trials and difficulties. We too, like the Apostle Paul, can rejoice in our trials.

Following James’ introduction, Revd Dr Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill, spoke on the topic, ‘Justification Now – The Reformation Doctrine and True Anglicanism.’ Mike stated that his desire for Oak Hill College was that it would be known as a ‘justification by faith alone college,’ because this Reformation doctrine is consistent with true Anglicanism. Other types of Anglicanism that do not hold to this doctrine, are in fact, ‘cuckoos in the nest.’ Read more
For those unfamiliar with the cuckoo, it is a parasitic bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. The baby cuckoo, when it hatches, will push out of the nest one by one all the nestlings and any unhatched eggs of the bird in whose nest the cuckoo laid the egg from which it hatched. It will do this until it is the sole occupant of the nest. Hence, the term "cuckoos in the nest," which refers to types of "Anglicanism" that do not rightly belong in the Anglican Church and the adherents of which are aggressively at work to eject true Anglicanism from the Anglican Church and replace it with their particular ideology.

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