Thursday, December 13, 2012

4 Big Obstacles to Starting New Small Groups

Recently I was in a room full of some very experienced, very sharp minds when it comes to starting new groups. Admittedly, they were attempting to use the word groups to characterize both on-campus Sunday school classes and off-campus small groups.

At one point, a panel of four experts talked about their own personal experiences in starting groups. Imagine my consternation as I listened to their stories of starting one new group last year. One. Another expert talked about starting a new group every year for the last several. I’m not making this up.

It was a very frustrating experience. Honestly, it was fascinating and frustrating at the same time. I found myself equally fascinated by some of their conclusions and frustrated by some of those same conclusions.

At one point, the moderator asked everyone to take a few minutes and share with those around you “what you think are the biggest obstacles in the way of starting groups.” Again, it was frustrating and fascinating. Read more

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