Monday, December 10, 2012

Seven in 10 Americans Are Very or Moderately Religious

But Protestant population is shrinking as "unbranded" religion grows

Sixty-nine percent of American adults are very or moderately religious, based on self-reports of the importance of religion in their daily lives and attendance at religious services. Within that group, 40% are very religious, meaning that they attend religious services regularly and they say religion is important in their daily lives.

American Religiousness

These data are based on more than 320,000 interviews conducted by Gallup between Jan. 2 and Nov. 30 of this year. Similar data going back to 2008 form the basis of the new book God Is Alive and Well: The Future of Religion in America.  Read more

Read also:
Spotlight: The End of Nominal Protestantism [PDF]

1 comment:

Mr. Mcgranor said...

This should not be encouraged. It is like settling for something; rather then nothing at all.

The postmodern Emergent nonsense will not bring a pretended global Christianity; but an end to Protestantism in a Western context.

Protestantism forever with Christ!