Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tears as Tron congregation leave church for last time

A GLASGOW congregation which is leaving the Church of Scotland because of the Kirk’s stance on gay ministers held its last service in its building yesterday.

The pews of St George’s Tron in Buchanan Street were busy as 500 worshippers came to hear its minister, the Rev Dr Willie Philip, deliver the final sermon.

Speaking afterwards, Mr Philip said that church members had been frustrated by the way matter had been handled by the Kirk.

“Some of our older people have been here all their life, and some of them in the past five years have given all their life savings into refurbishing this building,” he said.

“You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel angry, and it would be very, very easy to become bitter. But we don’t want to become bitter people.

“We want to focus on the future, draw a line under things and put the past behind us. It’s sad, but we didn’t want today to be a funeral service.” Read more

Dr William Philip’s last sermon in the old building (am 9th December 2012). Life Investment with Jesus. Matthew 10:16-42
Bob Fyall (pm 9th December 2012). Loving the Institution and Hating the Gospel. Jeremiah 71–8:3
Meetings now to be held at 25 Bath Street, Glasgow.

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