Monday, May 13, 2013

Americans Are Influenced by Jesus and Satan

It really isn't politically correct these days to talk about Jesus in public, or even to speak about Satan in public. Both figures bring Christianity into the spotlight, which is right where it belongs. Your response to the Christian Gospel will reveal whether you are listening to Jesus, or to Satan. There is no getting around it. Whether you take a public position on the matter or not, you are in one camp or the other. That is because there are only two camps to which souls can belong.

You didn't ask to be born. You didn't ask to be created with a body and with an immortal soul. You are not the product of chance. You are not an accident. God saw you before He created you. Jesus has a path that can take you to paradise, literally. Satan wants to keep you from finding that path.

Jesus loves Americans, just like He loves all the people of the world. Satan hates everybody. Jesus died for the sins of everyone to rescue us from death and hell. Satan is a schemer who loves death and wants people in hell. Satan is a created being, originally created as a good angel before his heart turned bad. Jesus is the Creator. Satan hates the fact that he cannot be God, or even come close to God's authority and power. Read more

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