Friday, May 17, 2013

Calling the demonic ‘holy’

TEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, last Sunday, on Acts 16:16-40

“Paul is annoyed at the slave girl who keeps pursuing him, telling the world that he and his companions are slaves of God. She is quite right. She’s telling the same truth Paul and others claim for themselves.

But Paul is annoyed, perhaps for being put in his place, and he responds by depriving her of her gift of spiritual awareness. Paul can’t abide something he won’t see as beautiful or holy, so he tries to destroy it. It gets him thrown in prison.”

Read it all via The Episcopal News Service. Another copy here.

From the category of “You couldn’t make this up if you tried.”

(h/t “The Worst Sermon Ever? The Presiding Bishop Explains Away Paul and the Female Slave.” from Not Another Episcopal Church Blog, where there is more on this sermon.)
Originally posted on the Anglican Church League website

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