Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Southern Baptists' name change seeks to shed historical baggage

After 87 years, the University Baptist Church of Coral Gables, Fla., recently shed its name for something it felt was more forward looking - Christ Journey.

It was following the lede of First Baptist Church of Perrine, Fla., which dropped the name it had held for 89 years in favor of Christ Fellowship.

Coral Baptist Church of Coral Springs, Fla., relaunched itself in 2006 as Church By the Glades.

And First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale is now known as "First Fort Lauderdale" in its new website. The word "Baptist" is found in a faintly lettered tagline.

These South Florida churches are joining a growing number of Southern Baptist congregations around the country that are quietly moving away from their denomination's historic namesake - worried that it conjured up images of pipe organs, narrow-mindedness or stuffy, formal services.

The reality, pastors say, is that many modern Baptist churches mix their liturgy with rock bands and gourmet coffee, and sermons are more likely to be about personal growth than fire and brimstone.

While their approach to saving souls has kept up with the times, some pastors feel the name has not. Read more
Do you think that your church might benefit from a name change?

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