Wednesday, May 08, 2013

'Stand with Scouts' sets forth action plan

"Stand with Scouts," a national simulcast by the Family Research Council, urged viewers to preserve Scouting's traditional values by opposing a policy change to allow youth who identify themselves as gay to become Scouts.

Organizers said the online simulcast's purpose May 5 was to provide information about the significance of the proposed change and how people can get involved.

The proposed policy, unanimously recommended by the Boy Scouts Executive Committee, states in part, "No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone." The matter will be put to a vote by Scouting's 1,432 voting members at the national convention May 23 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

John Stemberger, an attorney and Eagle Scout, told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins the policy change would "devastate" Scouting.

Stemberger is the founder of, which describes itself as a "nationwide coalition of concerned parents, Scout leaders, Scouting donors, Eagle Scouts and other members of the Boy Scouts of America who are united in their support of Scouting's current membership policies and their opposition to the proposed resolution which requires open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts."

After he and Perkins encouraged people to pray for the May 23 vote and the delegates, Stemberger set forth a three-part strategy to connect, network and rally.... Read more

Also read
Troop 204 faces hard choices if Boy Scouts policy is extended to embrace gay youth
Mid-Tenn. Scouts call for retaining traditional stance

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