Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Leadership Development: 3 Answers to the Question "How Do I Become a Better Leader"

1. Trust God from the bottom of your heart.

I know that seems like a ‘nah duh’ kind of statement especially for those of us that are called to lead Christ’s Church. The truth is, though, that it can be tough as a leader to REALLY trust at times. When it feels like it’s all on us and we’re waiting for God to show up and do what we know we heard him say He’d do, it can be tough to trust. Trust anyway. He’s trustworthy for sure! Read more

Also read
Even with a Team, the Leader Still Makes the Decisions
The Benefits of a Few Days away from Your Ministry
Haters Gonna Hate: How to Deal with 3 Kinds of Hate Mail
3 Essentials for Growing Your Influence
Healing for the Wounded Leader
A Dozen Ways to Kill a Great Idea
Partnering with God
Viruses that Infect the Church
The Key to Longevity in Ministry is Balance

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