Friday, July 19, 2013

NY official pushes feds to recognize gay marriages

New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli is using the power of the state's $160 billion pension system to urge President Barack Obama to order federal agencies and programs around the country to recognize gay marriages performed in New York.

DiNapoli's idea is to adopt a "place of celebration" standard in federal government, meaning that gay marriages that take place in New York would be recognized even in states that do not permit them. It could be a big push in DiNapoli's effort to get major companies that do business with the state pension fund to adopt anti-discrimination measures when providing benefits for gay couples.

The U.S. Supreme Court last month struck down parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, a ruling that muddled the rights of gay couples married in New York who move to or work in states where gay marriage isn't legal.

DiNapoli was scheduled to send his plea to Obama in a letter to be released Friday. Read more

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