Thursday, July 04, 2013

We, the People....

Fourth of July Reflections on a Changing America

For Christians, the issue of patriotism is always complicated by our citizenship in two realms, one earthly and one heavenly. The Bible teaches that we have duties to our earthly nation, including obeying laws, paying taxes, and honoring our leaders (Rom. 13:1-7). At the same time, we are subjects of the eternal kingdom of Christ. Jesus said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mt. 22:21). This dual citizenship presents serious complications when the civil and the divine authorities strongly conflict. This was the situation the early believers faced in Jerusalem, resulting in their persecution. Peter told the Jewish leaders, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), and for his disobedience he was beaten and later threatened with execution (Acts 5:40; 12:1-6). Read more

John Wise: the man who inspired the Declaration of Independence

Most Americans know that Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence but few know that the foundational concepts of freedom from which Jefferson drew came from the pulpit and pen of a pastor who served decades before the War of Independence: the Rev. John Wise. Read more

Books: Preaching Liberty to the Colonists

The history of the American Revolution is, above all, a story about national beginnings, and stories about beginnings are stories that explain. How we understand our origins informs our sense of identity as a people. We look to the past not only to understand who we are but also to justify who we wish to become. And so, as a nation divided over the proper place of religious belief in the contemporary public square, we naturally debate the place of religious belief in the American founding. Read more

9 Things You Should Know About Independence Day and the Declaration of Independence

July 4, 2013 will be America's 237th Independence Day, the day Americans celebrate our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Here are nine things you should know about America's founding document and the day set aside for its commemoration. Read more

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