Saturday, August 03, 2013

Engaging Japan with the Gospel: An Interview with Michael Oh

Tabletalk: Please describe how you became a Christian and your call to ministry.

Michael Oh: I am a fifth-generation Christian on my father’s side. My life is part of a legacy of faith that started with my great, great grandmother. Despite this tradition, my youth was marked by self-centeredness, vain ambition, insecurity, and a rebellious heart. Everything came easily to me—whether athletics, music, academics, or other endeavors—and I quickly rose to the top of whatever arena I entered. Eventually, however, I became overwhelmed with a tremendous fear of failure. Having reached the top, I knew there was only one way to go—down. This handicapped my life for much of high school and prevented me from achieving much, either for myself or for anyone else.

The Lord used this fear, as well as my desperate search and need to love and be loved unconditionally, to bring me to true faith by the end of my high school years. The change was transformational, and for the first time in my life I had a passion to use the gifts that the Lord had given to me fully without fear and wholly for His glory. Read more

Also see
'Don't Give Up on Japan'
Beauty From Broken Things

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